The Ultimate Guide to Self Care for Career Coaches: From Coding to MacBook Airs

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The Ultimate Guide to Self Care for Career Coaches: From Coding to MacBook Airs

Are you a career coach looking for some self care advice? As a fellow coach who has been laid off in the past, I know how important it is to take care of yourself during the ups and downs of work and life. That's why I've put together this comprehensive guide to some of the best products for caring for your mental and physical health. Whether you're just starting out in coding, designing buildings, or looking to make a meaningful career change, you need to take care of yourself well to succeed. So, let's dive in!

1. The Perfect Apple for Your Work Bae: The 2022 MacBook Air!

Let's face it, as career coaches, we spend a lot of time staring at screens. That's why it's important to invest in a reliable and efficient tool for your work bae. The 2022 MacBook Air is the perfect choice for career coaches who want a sleek and easy-to-use laptop. With its powerful M1 chip and long battery life, you can work efficiently without worrying about technical difficulties. Plus, the design is so chic, you'll feel like a boss every time you pull it out of your bag.

2. Breaking Down the Building Code: Why You Need the International Building Code

If you're a career coach in the architecture or construction industry, you know how important it is to stay up-to-date on building codes and regulations. The International Building Code 2018 Edition is an essential resource that can help you design and build safer and more efficient structures. With clear and concise guidance, this code is a must-have for any industry professional. Invest in it, your clients and your career will thank you.

3. Get Coding in a Month: A Fun and Easy Way to Learn to Code

Coding can be intimidating, but it's an important skill to have in today's job market. That's why "Get Coding in a Month" is perfect for beginners who want to learn the basics of coding in a fun and engaging way. The program is easy to use and offers a variety of coding languages to choose from. While it may not have all the advanced features of other coding programs, it's a great starting point for those looking to learn a new skill.

4. Career Change? Happen to Your Career and Make it Meaningful!

Finally, if you're looking to make a career change, Happen to Your Career is a great resource to help you find work that you love. The book offers practical advice and exercises to help you identify your passions and strengths, and turn them into a fulfilling career. While some of the exercises might feel a bit repetitive, the overall value of the book is definitely worth the price. Invest in yourself, and take control of your career.

In conclusion, self care and wellbeing are of utmost importance for career coaches. You need to take care of yourself to succeed in your career and in all aspects of your life. From choosing the perfect MacBook Air to investing in essential resources like building codes and coding programs, self help care is essential. Don't forget to take time for self care, and prioritize caring for yourself physically and mentally. As they say, "i care for myself, i need to take care."

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