The Co-Parenting Code: From Fighting to Frenemies

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Are you tired of fighting with your ex? Want to learn how to co-parent like a pro? Look no further than Combative to Collaborative: The Co-parenting Code. This guide will help you turn your relationship from combative to collaborative, all while keeping your sanity intact.

One of the most useful features is the "Collaboration Challenges" section. It's an interactive tool that gives you and your ex fun activities to do with your kids. It's a great way to build a strong bond with your children, while also improving your co-parenting relationship.

This guide is perfect for anyone who is struggling to co-parent with their ex. It's especially helpful for those who are still in the midst of a difficult separation and don't know how to move forward. It's also great for people who want to be proactive about their co-parenting relationship, even if things are currently going smoothly.

One potential con is that the guide is relatively short. However, it's packed with useful tips and tricks, so it's definitely worth the $14.99 price tag.

Overall, Combative to Collaborative: The Co-parenting Code is a must-read for anyone who wants to improve their co-parenting relationship. With its fun activities and practical advice, you'll be well on your way to co-parenting like a pro in no time.

Bottom Line: If you're struggling with co-parenting, Combative to Collaborative: The Co-parenting Code is a great investment. With its practical advice and interactive tools, it's sure to help you turn things around. Rating: 9/10

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