Lean In for Graduates: The Ultimate Guide to Adulting

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If you're a recent grad feeling lost and confused about the next steps in your life, Lean In for Graduates is the book for you. With new chapters by experts, this book covers everything from finding your first job to negotiating your salary and owning who you are. It's like having a cool older sister who's been through it all and is willing to share her wisdom with you.

One of the most useful features of this book is the practical advice it offers. It's not just a bunch of vague platitudes about "following your dreams" or "believing in yourself." Instead, it gives you concrete steps to take to achieve your goals. For example, it offers tips on how to network effectively, how to write a killer resume, and how to ace a job interview.

This book would be a good fit for anyone who's feeling overwhelmed by the transition from college to the "real world." Whether you're unsure about what career path to take or you're struggling to negotiate a fair salary, this book has something for you. It's written in a friendly, approachable style that makes it easy to digest, even if you're not a big reader.

- Practical advice that's easy to implement
- Written in a friendly, approachable style
- Covers a wide range of topics, from finding a job to negotiating your salary

- Some of the advice may be too basic for more experienced job seekers
- The cover design is a bit bland

Overall, Lean In for Graduates is a must-read for anyone who's feeling lost and confused about their post-college life. It's packed with practical advice and written in a friendly, approachable style that makes it easy to read. While some of the advice may be too basic for more experienced job seekers, it's still a valuable resource for anyone who's just starting out. So go ahead and lean in – your future self will thank you.

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